About Us

Many Agencies, One Certification

Find out more about the MNUCP

The MNUCP is the Minnesota Unified Certification Program. We are a group of state and local agencies who work together to certify DBE's. The current certifying agencies are:

  • City of Minneapolis
  • Metropolitan Airports Commission
  • Metropolitan Council
  • Minnesota Department of Transportation

A federal law mandates that each state has its own Unified Certification Program, which provides "one stop shopping" for DBE certification in that state.

In the past, firms were required to apply for certification with each agency in Minnesota which received funds from the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT).

Now once a business is certified with one MnUCP certifying agency, they are a certified DBE with all agencies in the State of Minnesota who use funds from the USDOT.

The MNUCP agencies work together in several ways. We share the responsibility of certifying firms, we work together to promote events that benefit DBE's and discuss issues affecting the DBE community. We also work together to maintain a directory of certified DBEs.

Each agency maintains their own contracting and procurement departments. Each agency manages their respective projects and contracts.

The MNUCP meets monthly, the Certification Application Committee (CAC) meets every 2 weeks to review DBE applications and vote on their eligibility.

For in-depth details about the MNUCP DBE Program, you may read our DBE Program document.

To get in touch with us, please visit our contact page.